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Attracting and Keeping Teachers/Specialists in Nova Scotia Starts with Compensation

This is one platform priority that I am very passionate and well informed about. It is a major item that members have continued to have impact their lives both inside and outside of our schools. 


First, our legislated/negotiated wage patterns have continued to fall behind the cost of living and inflation. NO OTHER CANDIDATE has a better grasp on this, or have spoken out more about the need for salary that at the very least, keeps pace with inflation. I have advocated this for over a decade. 


Since 2015 I have advocated for wages that take into account COLA;  7 years later; it has been widely accepted, and used, by national unions (CUPE and UNIFOR) along with other teacher organizations, such as Quebec, today.




Our members, especially single parent ones, have experienced a significant loss in purchasing power this past decade. â€‹Our members are struggling financially and without better salaries we are losing educators to other provinces and jurisdictions.




The only group more affected within the NSTU is substitutes. Changes need to be made to significantly increase the daily rate, decrease the days needed to reach the pay scale, better benefits and job security.  



Workload and Working Conditions

Contractually we need improvements to decrease workload and improve our working conditions.

Minimum Marking and Prep time must increase as the first step in improving workload. We receive 12.5% prep which pales in comparison to Ontario at between 16-25%. We teach more, and have more subject/course load than other jurisdictions. It is our #1 cause of burnout. 


Workplace Violence and Harassment


Through educating our members, (something I have been vigilant as the current local president of 2300 members) on workplace violence and harassment our schools CAN improve. Assaults and threats must be reported properly (nor just on PowerSchool) to the authorities, OH&S and addressed under a better School Code of Conduct. The same goes for harassment, intimidation and reprisal. 


There is no candidate that is better suited to do this as I have had the hands on experience and have advocated these past 4 years in assisting members who have experienced workplace violence and harassment. No other candidate has that experience! 



​Please VOTE Shawn Hanifen as NSTU President.



Recruitment and Retention: Issues
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